Online giving
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
- 2 Corinthians 9:7
Through giving, God invites us to joyfully join Him in the kingdom work He is doing in our hearts, in our communities, in our nation, and in the world. God calls His people to be abundantly generous because God Himself has been so abundantly generous to us. Giving, therefore, is an act of worship to our good and gracious God.
Setting up an online account is the best way to give if you want to set up recurring donations or track your donations over time. Simply click “MAKE A DONATION” below and it will take you to our giving platform.
Once there, click on “Sign In” in the upper right corner. From there you can either sign into your existing account or create a new account. When creating a new account, it may take a few days for our treasurer to activate your account.
Please contact our Administrator at if you need assistance.
If you want to give a one-time gift online without creating an account, you can do that by simply clicking “MAKE A DONATION” below.
It will take you to our giving platform. It will ask you to verify your email (which we will use to send you your donation receipt) and then you will be able to submit your donation.
We do not pass a plate during our worship service. We want that act of giving to be between you and God. If you want to give, we have a donation box available on the back table in our sanctuary.
Make a check payable to Rock Haven Church and mail to:
Rock Haven Church
1858 HWY 212 W, Granite Falls, MN, 56241